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Starting FRESH with a new mindset, healthy habits, fun, creativity, friends, family, and just plain LIVING (well, not so plain 😜)!

And I want to blog about it… 

This photo gives me inspiration on my healthy life style that I had let go over a year ago– I WANT THAT ME BACK!  BIg changes, weight management, and taking in all of Mother Nature that I can starting NOW! 

Juicing … My new exciting love. BUT, very expensive (atleast when it’s all organic)!  Although, cheap when it comes to be healthy and not needing to visit the doctor often! 

Crossfit… I have a love hate with it!  I’ve started it back up on Monday. The CF Gods must know, because they’ve been “gentle” for my first time back in over a year! This is me now… 60 lbs Of over indulging! AND OVER IT. 

I recently signed up for a weightloss challenge with my good friend Leah. I know we can do this —WE HAVE TO! 

You would think this would make a lot of juice… But only a quart — possibly 1.5 if you’re lucky!  The upside though is its so darn good for you! 

Flashback:  When I first started juicing this picture of all the goodies reminded me of my younger years when I would take “slop” out to our piggies.  

Anyways,  I tossed all the veggies and fruit in the sink to clean them and it looked like a perfect medley of colors and tastiness fit for a king! And to only get just a little bit of juice seemed so sad! But, I’ve grown to enjoy it and actually like the effects of micronutrients compared to my body breaking it down and the harsh fibers working through my system –UGHHHH, my ass could clear a room. TMI– sorry, but not sorry!πŸ˜‰ 

This however was delicious!  

ESSENTIAL OILS:  I am looking forward to my first class on Wednesday– right before Yoga in my salon.  


Welp! I hope you enjoy my meandering –I promise it will be worth keeping up with it! 

βœŒοΈπŸ’—πŸ˜Š love this moderndayhippiechic